Dr. Mary's Take Kid's Health

Why Women Shouldn’t Fear Home Birth

I recently read an article, Why Women Shouldn’t Fear Home Birth,  in TODAY Moms written by the actress, Ph.D Mayim Bialik who is an advocate for home births and it was as if I wrote the article myself. Having had two of my three daughters born at home, I have spent the last 26 plus years discussing, lecturing about and even at times defending why Ron and I chose to deliver our babies at home. Some people thought we were crazy while others were inspired and went on to have beautiful home-birth experiences of their own. I have been to over two dozen home births as a friend/supporter and can tell you first hand that BIRTH IS A NATURAL PROCESS and women’s bodies were created to birth babies. I love talking about babies and birthing so if you have any questions, please ask or you can leave a comment.

Dr. Mary

If you want to read the article you can find it here.

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